Getting Started:
A comprehensive introduction to help you develop the confidence, knowledge and skills to plan and deliver good quality sex and relationships education.
Identifying how to explore topics such as STIs, pleasure and relationships and consent, whilst also outlining how you can engage young people in developing your curriculum.
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Further Learning:
Supporting you with the knowledge, confidence and skills to have honest conversations about abortion with young people.
Consent is a vital topic to address with young people. Based on University of Sussex doctoral research, this course explores consent from all angles and includes a range of activities.
A guide to all contraceptive methods featuring animations and an interactive tool, as well as activities for use with young people.
Brook and Gendered Intelligence have teamed up to produce this course for schools and educators. It will support you to deliver high quality RSE on gender diversity, and will equip you to support trans and non-binary young people.
Delving into the multifaceted and complex nature of relationships, providing you with the knowledge and skills to equip your students with the tools to build healthy, fulfilling connections.
An interactive guide to how the IUD and IUS work as methods of long-acting reversible contraception. A comprehensive module exploring emergency contraception methods, including the IUD and emergency contraceptive pill.
Managing disclosures of sexual harassment, assault or abuse may be one of the most challenging aspects of being a teacher. And unfortunately, the chances of a young person being the victim of such an incident are higher than ever.
Based on original doctoral research, this will help you teach young people to recognise what good sex is (and isn’t!) so their experiences are consensual, safe and enjoyable.
Teaching young people about puberty helps to equip them for a period of significant change.
Based on fascinating academic research from The Open University, this course will teach you about the findings and equip you with activities and lesson plans for use with young people.
More information:
We deliver a range of high quality training for professionals working with young people, UK-wide. Browse our courses and book here.
We can deliver RSE in a range of settings across the UK. Learn more about our approach and book here.