PSHE Islington education

Welcome to the Islington RSE Hub

This resource is brought to you by Brook and Islington Council’s Health and Wellbeing Team and is intended to replace the previous resource for teachers, SRE Covered.

What is Brook?

Brook is the only national charity to offer both clinical sexual health services and education and wellbeing services for young people. Brook has led the way to support young people for nearly 60 years, helping over 1.35 million people in 2022/23. Brook has consistently advocated for better PSHE for pupils, contributing to the consultation and development of the new guidance for schools.

What is available to teachers in Islington?

Brook’s PSHE curriculum

The curriculum will provide a consistent, high quality and evidence based PSHE education for all young people. Divided by year group and term, it is made up of both created and curated developmentally appropriate resources that are customisable, including for young people who experience SEND.

Key messages will be introduced, reinforced and built upon year on year at developmentally appropriate stages, through a spiral curriculum of 141 lesson packs. The curriculum has been designed to allow you flexibility in how you choose to deliver the lessons to meet the needs of children and young people and the practicalities of your setting.

The curriculum is designed to meet all statutory Ofsted guidance for mandatory relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) and all PSHE Association principles and outcomes. The curriculum is CBT-based and trauma informed throughout.

Brook Learn courses

Now you are registered on Brook Learn, you can access all of Brook’s free online courses, designed to support you to deliver high quality, evidence-based Relationships and Sex Education.

These courses can be done in your own time and will equip you with the knowledge, confidence and skills you need to deliver engaging RSE. Each course comes with a range of lesson plans, activities and downloadable materials for use in class with young people.

These courses include:

Launching in 2023/24 will be new courses on Managing a Disclosure of sexual harassment or violence, Healthy relationships and Gender Diversity.

Brook handouts

Brook has produced a range of downloadable and printer friendly A4 handouts for use in the classroom with young people. Topics include Consent, Porn, Contraception, STIs, Condoms, Periods, Puberty and Abortion.

Download the handouts

Traffic Light Tool

The Traffic Light Tool and training support professionals working with children and young people to identify, understand and respond to sexualised behaviours.

Using a ‘traffic light’ system, it teaches you how to recognise and identify sexual behaviours, differentiating between those which are part of healthy sexual development and those which are problematic or harmful, and develop an appropriate response that meets the needs of the child or young person.

If you are a Designated Safeguarding Lead in Islington, contact Brook for free access to this course at

What’s new or coming up?

May/June 2023

Brook will be working with Islington’s teachers in the development and evolution of the curriculum materials, beginning with a survey to Islington teachers to gather feedback. This will identify knowledge gaps, find out what you need most help with and what you found most valuable from SRE Covered.

June 2023

A workshop with teachers from across Islington will be held to share the findings of the survey and to share which 6 topic areas will be our focus for the development of new Key Stage 3 and 4 resources. These resources will be launched within the PSHE curriculum in September 2023.

June/July 2023

The Brook Team will run a training and information sharing session for PSHE/RSE lead teachers designed to demo the Brook resources available to you and to answer any questions. This would allow some time before the summer holidays to explore the resources in depth and implement them into your curriculum in time for the new academic year.

Useful resources

How to get in contact

If you’d like to speak to the RSE contact at Islington Council, please email or

If you’d need technical help with the Brook Learn platform, please go here.

If you’d like Brook to come to your school and deliver RSE or wellbeing support, please email

Select the year group you are working with and enrol with your unique enrolment key: